Bail Is Zipcode Local – Captira
Half a billion transactions moved from v1 to v2. We actively adding server upgrades to improve system speed.

Bail is local

Bail is Local

A jail services just a few key zipcodes.

Lets share some key local tools to increase your sales.

Case Management

Easily keep track of all your defendants information such as Name, Date of Birth, Contact Details and more. With the ability to add documents and case notes, you no longer need to bounce between platforms.


Case Management

Easily keep track of all your defendants information such as Name, DOB, Address, etc. With the ability to add documents and case notes, you no longer need to bounce between platforms.



Never call defendants again to remind them of court dates, drug tests, etc. With our calendar widget you simply add events and it will automatically remind your defendants.


Our GPS Check-in texts allow the defendant to check-in by clicking a link which will in turn give the end-user a location along with a history of past GPS Check-ins.

magnifying class
magnifying class


Our GPS Check-in texts allow the defendant to check-in by clicking a link which will in turn give the end-user a location along with a history of past GPS Check-ins.



These numbers are based on the outcomes you provide on a per case basis, and give you the information needed to ensure your organization is running smoothly.

Any Device

The entire Captira platform is available on any device, anywhere, at anytime. Access all your data whether you are in the office, at court, or on the go.

Any Device

The entire Captira platform is available on any device, anywhere, at anytime. Access all your data whether you are in the office, at court, or on the go. 


Years of experience



10 Million+


Captira provides leading commercial bail and pretrial case management software.

Features Standard - Free Plus - $99/month
Easily Create & Assign Case Files ✓    ✓ 
Case Outcomes and Statistics
✓  ✓ 
Users and User Type Management ✓  ✓ 
Upload Case Files & Documents ✓  ✓ 
Case Notes ✓  ✓ 
Calendar ✓  ✓ 
Reminder History ✓  ✓ 
Automated Reminders (As low as 5¢ per message) ✓  ✓ 
Extended Case Management   ✓ 
Auto-filled Forms   ✓ 
Extended Relationship & Employer Information   ✓ 
Collateral Management   ✓ 
Additional Advanced Reporting   ✓ 
Release on Own Recognizance Bond Tracking ✓ 
Defendant Fee Recovery & Accounting   ✓ 

Defendant Management

There are ideological differences between pretrial services and the traditional money bail system. Pretrial services argue that they focus primarily on the rights of the defendant (or alleged perpetrator) with the argument they have not been found guilty. The bail industry argument leans on the protecting the rights of society and the victim, as the bail incentive best ensures defendants actually show up at court based on the penalty if they do not. The two sides have passionate arguments yet different philosophies, but essentially both are part of the defendant management life cycle before a court hearing on guilt or otherwise.

Pretrial services are an emerging alternative to cash bail and is a risk-based pretrial assessment, rather than cash money bail, as a basis to release defendants. Courts and counties use tools called risk assessments to determine which offenders can safely be released pretrial back into the community. These assessments use demographic data and information about the defendant’s criminal history to predict the probability of complying and appearing, or likelihood of failing to appear, at the appointed court date and whether they pose a danger to the community of released. This is sometimes referred to as a ROR (released on own recognizance) bond.

Cash money bail is the traditional system in which judges can order defendants to pay a certain amount – which varies based on the offense – in order to be released. In a majority of cases, defendants contract with a bail bond company to pay the full amount of the bond with the court in exchange for a premium fee, usually about 10%. If the defendant appears at his appointed court and does not do a "skip", the bail bond agency gets the deposit back and is compensated by the defendant’s premium as payment. If the defendant does not appear, the bail agent (and their insurance company, known as a "surety") act to bring the defendant back to court. The general idea behind this system is that the threat of financial penalty helps prevent pretrial misconduct. Bail agencies also do a lot of behind the scenes work to make sure the defendants show up to court and don’t skip town, such as weekly check-ins and court reminders. Pretrial services are a cost to taxpayers and cash bail cost is born by the defendant.